Multistate Association for Bilingual Education, Northeast A nonprofit organization for educators, families, and policy makers. | LOG IN TO YOUR MABENE ACCOUNT FOR |
MABE 2024
"We Are ALL Teachers of Multilingual Learners! Empowering teachers through formal and information professional learning" was hosted Saturday, March 9, 2024 at the Providence Career & Technical Academy in Rhode Island. The conference featured Keynote Speakers Joan LaChance and Andrea Honigsfeld, who spoke about concepts raised in their bestselling book Collaboration and Co-Teaching for Dual Language Learners: Transforming Programs for Multilingualism and Equity. Conference attendees can view resources and materials from the conference on the Sched App through April 2024, and they will then be updated to our Member’s Only pages.
This was MABE's biggest conference to date, with almost 500 registrants from numerous states, 65 offered sessions, and record-breaking support from sponsors. Thank you to volunteers, staff, and the Conference Committee, including Conference Co-Directors Rabia Hos and Martha Romero.
Opening Ceremony You can view the live stream of the Opening Ceremony here, which includes Keynote Address by Liz Howard and Shera Simpson, "Collaborative Partnerships in Dual Language Education: We're ALL Teachers of Multilingual Learners," and a message from the Rhode Island Commissioner of Education Angélica Infante-Green. The Opening Ceremony also premiered the video History of Bilingual Education in Rhode Island - the third part of MABE's 50 Year Celebration of BIlingual Education in the Region: | Closing Ceremony You can view the live stream of the Closing Ceremony here, which includes a message from national Secretary of Education Dr. Miguel Cardona, a student performance, and a live salsa concert by the The Hartt Salsa All-Stars. Pre-Conference School Visits Multiple Dual Language Education schools and programs in Connecticut, Massachusetts, and Rhode Island opened their doors to visitors in February. A record-breaking total of 18 schools opened their doors to more than 130 visitors.
Pre-Conference Advocacy Roundtable
This year, our Pre-Conference Virtual Advocacy Roundtable focused on how the shortage of bilingual teachers poses a considerable challenge to our education system, and an even more pressing challenge to our DLE programs. "Collaborating to Sustain and Grow Dual Language/Bilingual Education – Sharing responsibility for cultivating a linguistically diverse teacher workforce" brought together decision-making partners a meaningful discussion on the current state of bilingual teacher shortages and explored collaborative strategies to address this pressing issue.
More than 135 educators and partners from the region and nation registered to learn from Keynote Speakers Dr. Laura Hamman-Ortiz and Dr. Rabia Hos (University of Rhode Island, co-authors of white paper "Cultivating and Expanding the Bilingual Educator Workforce in Rhode Island"), Dr. Michael Guerrero (Educators for Multilingual Multicultural America Co-Director), and Dr. Conor Williams (The Century Foundation Senior Fellow) on March 8, 2024.
Members are be able to find past recordings and materials on our Member’s Only website pages.