Multistate Association for Bilingual Education, Northeast A nonprofit organization for educators, families, and policy makers. | LOG IN TO YOUR MABENE ACCOUNT FOR |
AUDIENCE: Cross-Linguistic Pedagogy is a Professional Development (PD) series designed for Dual Language Bilingual Education (DLBE) educators with 3+ years of experience. Unless otherwise specified, examples of strategies in sessions will primarily focus on Spanish-English programs, but can be applied to any DLBE programming. Further experience levels may be specified in session descriptions below.
To better understand language function and features, participants in this PD will identify and review the components of effective language objectives. Participants will define metalinguistic awareness, cross-linguistic connections, and translanguaging. Participants will discuss how to make a place for these in our DLBE classrooms. This PD will introduce a shared understanding of terms key to other PDs in this series.
The DLE Elementary or Middle School Teacher Network can also help!
- National Dual Language Education Teacher Preparation Standards (NDLETPS) Standard (EMMA Standards): Standard 3: Dual Language Instructional Practices and Pedagogy
Guiding Principles for Dual Language Education (GPDLE): Strand 3: Instruction
In this PD, participants will explore classroom tested metalinguistic strategies to help students build their own vocabulary and discover connections across languages. Participants will take on the role of a student to complete a routine that can be flexibly implemented in any classroom. Participants will leave with strategies and resources that can be implemented immediately, as well as ideas on how to get students excited to take ownership of their own learning and how to make vocabulary fun!
The DLE Elementary or Middle School Teacher Network can also help!
- National Dual Language Education Teacher Preparation Standards (NDLETPS) Standard (EMMA Standards): Standard 3: Dual Language Instructional Practices and Pedagogy
Guiding Principles for Dual Language Education (GPDLE): Strand 3: Instruction
Participants will define metalinguistic awareness and translanguaging and learn how to explicitly teach metalinguistic awareness to students. Participants will delve deeply into writing language objectives, particularly focusing on language features and their cross-linguistic connections. Sample lesson plans and videos of students engaged in explicit metalinguistic awareness instruction will be shared. While this PD opportunity is geared towards the elementary level, the strategies could be modified for DLBE learners at any grade. Please note that each strategy can be a stand-alone PD offering. Strategies that explicitly develop language for students in bilingual and DLBE programs that are part of this series include:ASÍ SE DICE
This PD opportunity is designed to share the DLBE strategies of Literacy from the Start: Literacy Squared In Action's (Escamilla, 2013) Así Se Dice, which target cross linguistic analysis. Participants will share strategies to teach cross linguistic connections in DLBE classrooms. Participants will discuss how to write targeted metalinguistic awareness language objectives that compare and contrast English and a partner language in a contextualized setting, focusing on the difference between literal and conceptual translations. Participants will learn how to consider students' linguistic needs to write effective, targeted language objectives for these strategies so that students can develop their "superpower" of bilingualism – cross-linguistic connections.
This PD opportunity is designed to share the DLBE strategies of Teaching for Biliteracy's (Urow & Beeman, 2012) and Literacy from the Start: Literacy Squared In Action's (Escamilla, 2013) Dictado, which targets cross linguistic analysis. Participants will share strategies to explicitly teach phonics, syntax and grammar in DLBE classrooms. Participants will discuss how to write targeted metalinguistic awareness language objectives for dictation exercises that allow students to increase their academic language through writing and editing. Participants will learn how to consider students' linguistic needs to write effective, targeted language objectives for these strategies so that students can develop their "superpower" of bilingualism – cross-linguistic connections.
This PD opportunity is an introduction to The Bridge, based on Teaching for Biliteracy's (Urow & Beeman, 2012), for teachers of DLB learners. We will review three components of the Bridge: a level one translation "bridge," a level two "Bridge" with a metalinguistic focus, and a follow-up activity to the bridge lesson. Participants will analyze sample "bridges"and discuss the purpose of each of the three components. Participants will dive deeply into the metalinguistic awareness opportunities provided by the level two bridge and brainstorm ways to plan a level two bridge with colleagues.
This PD is an introduction to Academic Conversations (Zweir & Crawford, 2011) for teachers of language learners. Participants will review the different components of academic conversations (also known as accountable talk) through video examples in Spanish and English. Participants will practice writing language objectives for lessons teaching students the skills necessary to engage in academic conversations. Participants will discuss a timeline for implementation and modifications for different elementary grade levels. Participants will have an opportunity to practice the skills used in an academic conversation - paraphrasing/summarizing, elaborating/clarifying, building on/challenging, supporting, and applying/connecting. Participants will leave with ideas on how to implement the instruction of academic conversation using conversation prompts in their classroom and will write language objectives aligned with this instruction for their classroom setting.
This PD opportunity is designed to share strategies from Harvard's Project Zero's Visible Thinking Routines to explicitly teach oracy in DLBE classrooms. Participants will discuss how to write targeted language objectives for thinking routines that allow students to increase their academic language through listening and speaking.
The DLE Elementary School Teacher Network can also help!
- National Dual Language Education Teacher Preparation Standards (NDLETPS) Standard (EMMA Standards): Standard 3: Dual Language Instructional Practices and Pedagogy
Guiding Principles for Dual Language Education (GPDLE): Strand 3: Instruction
In this PD, participants will consider how to backwards design oracy activities for language. Participants will create a variety of scaffolding tiers to support oral language for students at different levels of language acquisition. Please make sure you have a working understanding of the content covered in the Linguistic Basics for Dual Language Bilingual Educator session, sheltered language instruction, and a contextualized oracy strategies such as Academic Conversations (also known as Accountable Talk) or Visible Thinking Routines from Metalinguistic Toolkit.
The DLE Elementary or Middle School Teacher Network can also help you!
- National Dual Language Education Teacher Preparation Standards (NDLETPS) Standard (EMMA Standards): Standard 3: Dual Language Instructional Practices and Pedagogy
Guiding Principles for Dual Language Education (GPDLE): Strand 3: Instruction
Many DLBE teachers begin their careers with great enthusiasm but are left wondering what makes DLBE instruction different from "good instruction." This PD will cover how coaching teachers can help teachers deepen their understanding of DLBE Pedagogy, feel more confident and successful in their classrooms, and more consistently incorporate specific best practices in their daily instruction. Participants will examine and discuss the possible impact of different approaches to coaching and will get hands-on practice with a coaching model developed specifically for DLBE programs. The intended audience are DLBE coaches, coordinators, principals, and teacher-leaders who serve as mentors for their colleagues.
The DLE Coach Network can also help!
- National Dual Language Education Teacher Preparation Standards (NDLETPS) Standard (EMMA Standards): Standard 3: Dual Language Instructional Practices and Pedagogy, Standard 6: Program Design and Curricular Leadership
Guiding Principles for Dual Language Education (GPDLE): Strand 3: Instruction, Strand 2: Curriculum
Please contact Phyllis Hardy, Executive Director, for further information or to request a service.
Banner: Leviton Dual Language School, Providence Public Schools, RI Mural.